player age cutoff date - may 1st

player's age as of may 1, 2025 is their age for the season

2025 Season (8/1/2024-7/31/2025)

8U-9U 1:30 no new or 6 innings

10U-12U 1:40 no new or 6 innings

13U-14U 1:45 no new or 7 innings

HS DIVISION 1:50 no new or 7 innings

add 25 mins championship


8-12U 20 after 2 / 15 after 3 / 8 after 4

13-18U 20 after 2 / 15 after 3 / 10 after 4 / 8 after 5



COACHES expected to use good judgment with pitchers for number of innings pitched

IF a pitcher is substituted and is taken out of the lineup they may not return as a pitcher

IF a pitcher is substituted and remains in the lineup they may return as a pitcher


START WITH last batted out on 2nd - no outs

2 pool play saturday / single elimination sunday

tournament bracket on the exposure app

game times for sunday will automatically populate after all games for a division have been played on saturday

pool play - coin flip home/away

bracket play - higher seed home team

13U and up - metals allowed / no metals on portable mounds

Seeding - head to head, runs allowed, runs scored, coin flip